Try and Follow: A common tactic - the Firestarter could typically withdraw by setting a whole bunch of things (buildings, forests, people) on fire to hamper pursuit and running or jump-jetting away.Superior Successor: Has one in the Firestarter II, a medium OmniMech designed after the Clan Invasion that sports Large Lasers and 3 tons of extra armor without compromising its mobility.Kill It with Fire: The 'mech's main purpose.Fragile Speedster: As befits an early Inner Sphere design, it's not particularly well armored, but it is fast enough to steer clear from most 'mechs bigger than it.
Exactly What It Says on the Tin: It's a Firestarter, it starts fires. Crippling Overspecialization: It wasn't commonly assigned at the lance level, as it being so specialized meant that it was very vulnerable to medium or heavy 'Mechs. Chest Blaster: Has a pair of machine guns and flamers built into its chest. Arm Cannon: Has a good chunk of its armaments built into its arms. Flamers can make short work of any entrenchment, be it by burning down a fortified building, starting a forest fire, or just forcing an infantry force to vacate cover by setting them all on fire. Anti-Infantry: The original intended purpose. Equipped with a mix of anti-infantry and general purpose weaponry - most notably a quartet of flamers - it quickly built a reputation on its almost unrivaled ability to make short work of entrenched infantry and armoured vehicles, remaining relevant in the battlefield for several centuries after its introduction. The Workhorse: The original Commando was a second-generation BattleMech developed not long after the Mackie, but variants on the design continued to serve as the Lyran Commonwealth's go-to light 'Mech well into the Jihad.Ī timeless classic of the Inner Sphere, the Firestarter arose in the early days of 'mech warfare as a skirmisher and anti-infantry weapons platform. The SLDF themselves only gained access to it when some Lyran MechWarriors joined them on the Exodus and brought their rides along.
National Weapon: The Lyrans jealously guarded the Commando through the time of Star League and the Succession Wars, and it was only with the formation of the Federated Commonwealth that the 'Mech really started to filter out to other parts of the Inner Sphere and Periphery.Macross Missile Massacre: A salvo of ten short-range missiles is nothing to sneeze at from any 'Mech, to say nothing of one as tiny as the Commando.Hit-and-Run Tactics: A combination of powerful short-ranged weaponry, high speed, and light armor make this the most effective way to use a Commando.It also carries only four tons of armor, meaning if it starts taking hits it will quickly fall apart. Glass Cannon: The standard Commando carries an SRM-4, an SRM-6, and a Medium Laser, giving it an Alpha Strike damage potential higher than many 'Mechs over twice its mass.The latest version of the art gives it a cluster of sensors over one "eye" to help sell the spec-ops "commando" look (along with head armor stylized to resemble a tactical beanie). Fashionable Asymmetry: Due to a misinterpretation of the original Commando lineart, the 'Mech is commonly depicted with a faceplate that is asymmetrical in some fashion.
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Equipment Upgrade: Like many 'Mechs in prominent service during the Succession Wars, the Commando got a post-Helm Memory Core upgrade that was essentially "the same 'Mech with better tech." In this case, the COM-5S swapped the SRM-4 for a Streak SRM-2, added Artemis IV fire control to the SRM-6, and gained an Endo Steel chassis, Ferro-Fibrous armor, and CASE. It is described as "easily capable of crushing a Jenner" and "melting out from under its pilots in seconds." That said, it does not include extra heat sinks. Beam Spam: In a distinct changeup from its normal missile-slinging duties, an apocryphal variant known as the "Blazing Inferno Commando" removes its SRM packs to stick on a total of ten lasers - four medium, six small. With the development of new designs that filled the reconnaissance role better (such as the jump-capable Wasp and Stinger), the Commando was retooled as a dedicated hunter-killer 'Mech, and in that capacity it would serve the Lyrans with distinction for the next six hundred years. Originally created in 2463 for the Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces, the Commando was a radical departure from previous 'Mech designs - light, fast, and built for reconnaissance rather than direct battle.